Monday, September 5, 2016

The Balm of Gilead

We had another fantastic last couple days and the lord continues to bless us. My toes have been doing a lot better and it looks like I'll make a full recovery here pretty soon. There is a balm in gilead! I was given permission to walk to the church (which is thankfully right by our house) in my flip flops ha for English course and lessons. We actually had a really good lesson with a lady named Monica and her 3 children after corso and are excited for all of their progress.
Our boys chino and Laurence both made it out to church and they loved it! Translating is always a blast as well. I've gotten a lot better at it than I was at the start of the mission. The members at the Mensa keep giving us all the leftover food and it's wonderful! Ha they gave us this huge hunk of lamb this past week and it was super good. It's wonderful to have the chance to serve and give back to these people who do so much for us.
One of the miracles from last week was this guy named Matthew. He's 20 from France but is moving here and wants to take the lessons with us over Skype. He comes from a part member family but he and his parents are jehovahs witnesses. Usually we can't do much with the witnesses but Matthew really wants to learn more about our church and is opening to praying and finding out for himself about the truth. It's probably the best situation you could ask for in teaching one of the witnesses and I hope we're up for it.
Vi voglio bene!

Anziano Whiting

This is what they did to my toes.

Here's us going to English course.

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