Wednesday, August 5, 2015

MTC Week 4

The mtc is starting to fly by and I can't believe it's already like 2 weeks until I get to go to Italy! I'm pretty stocked even though I've been enjoying my time more at the mtc. Last night we got to hear Russel M Nelson speech and it was soooo good. He is the President of the Quorom of the 12 Apostles who are divine witnesses of Jesus Christ. I sang in the choir for him and it was really spiritual. He talked about how we need to be epistles of the lord on our missions. President Nelson had some really cool analogies from surgery to the stripling warriors. And we also got to see the human side of him from his sense of humor.

Another interesting thing from this week was service. We do and hour and 15 minutes of service every week and this saturday we were doing it and the bathroom flooded. So anziano thompson, anziano lui (my Polynesian boy) and I all jumped in there and started getting all the water and other wonderful material draining. Then when we got it cleaned and bleached the bathroom flooded again so we cleaned it all over and made a channel for the water to flow right into the drain that I pried open with a screwdriver until someone could go turn the water off. We got it figured out though. 

Anyway, I love the mission and I love Italian. I can't wait to help people come unto Christ and hope everyone is doing well.


Anziano Whiting

Italian flag made out of lights

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